About Vojta Ripa
Here is some information about me.
Hi guys, my name is Vojta Ripa and I'm an active runner. I have been running since I was little all the way through high school and college and now I'm running post-collegently.
I'm also interested in programming and webdesign, which is where this project and me crossed our paths. I wanted to build something useful for runners that would be
beneficial in their running career, as well as its a project to help me learn and improve my webdesign and programming skills.
Running Resume
V02 MAX Testing
Your fitness level (VO2Max) is 75.4 - which places you in the Athletic Zone and is higher than the average for a 20-year old male (44 VO2Max)
and is also higher than the average of a 15-19 year old male.
VO2Max is measured as the amount of oxygen your body is able to uptake / per kg of body weight / per minute.
Higher the VO2Max, greater the capaTab for physical effort.
Recovery is good at 9%.
Recovery is calculated by looking at the % drop in heart rate from the time the interval stopped to 30-seconds later throughout the test.
Recovery can be volatile and is sensitive to over-training, lack of sleep, stress as well as health issues amongst other things.